What?s up with Nutrition Health and safety Necessary during Child Consideration Configuration settings?

To get taken into account choosing family dog equipment together with becoming practical advice by using an on line family dog purchase irctc food order in train? When using the ideal internet family dog solutions, doggie nutrition, toy characters, grooming solutions and sure different types of medicine are found. Quite often, one of the greatest … Read more

Pressure switches with metal bellows: Stable repeatability, no risk of leakage

What advantages do pressure switches with metal bellows offer and what is the basis for these? The advantages derive from the seamless design of their measuring system. This solution enables permanently stable repeatability and, simultaneously, eliminates the risk of leakage.Bellows measuring systems are based on a mature manufacturing technology. The production of metal bellows, for … Read more

Magic million – the success story of T32

The T32 is the flagship of WIKA’s temperature transmitters – and a bestseller, too: The instrument of serial number 1000000 has already undergone manufacturing.As one of the first temperature transmitters worldwide, T32 has complied with all requirements of the standard for functional safety to IEC-61508, also known as SIL (Safety Integrity Level). The WIKA in-house … Read more

Vibration resistance of pressure sensors

Measuring instruments resp. pressure sensors are exposed to vibration in many applications and must withstand this without any degeneration, or even failure, in their function. Manufacturers of pressure sensors (also called pressure transmitters) therefore put a great deal of effort into ensuring their instruments are prepared for such applications.In order that they can make firm … Read more

Hygienic M12 coupler connector for thermometer connection head

The use of an M12 coupler connector at the connection head of a thermometer, rather than standard cable outlet, enables quick and safe connection. In the hygienic, food and pharmaceutical industries this type of design can be being demanded ever more frequently.In practice, plant manufacturers like to rely on pre-assembled cables with fitted connectors, since … Read more

What does RoHS really mean?

RoHS is an abbreviation for “Restriction of (the use of certain) Hazardous Substances”. In accordance with the European Union’s RoHS directive, the restriction relates to the use of such substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Its objective is to protect human health and the environment.Directive 2011/65/EU lists the following RoHS-regulated substances:LeadMercuryCadmiumHexavalent chromiumPBB – Polybrominated biphenyls … Read more

WIKA relay marathon 2018 at pleasant temperatures

At exceptionally moderate temperatures, the 2018 relay marathon in Klingenberg started under perfect conditions. Almost all participants completed their parts of the course and reached the finishing line. The ? Guts Running Team? came out at the top and gained first place.102 guest teams and 32 WIKA teams took part in the WIKA relay marathon, … Read more

Life in numerals and measurements

It is a numeral on the noisy alarms that informs me when I should get up. For instance today, a perfectly ordinary Thursday. The week is already well advanced and I am correspondingly tired. But none of this is of any help, and because every morning this tiny little numeral resides within me, I love … Read more

Force measurement in linear drives

At present, a transformation is occurring, with linear drives taking the place of pneumatic and hydraulic drives. Here, there is no longer any scope for measuring pressure. However, WIKA has another solution: Force measurement.Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders are increasingly being replaced by electrical propulsion technology. Because of this, however, it’s important to implement force measurement … Read more